Enrolling PK-12th - We Enroll All Year Long!
Enrolling PK-12th - We Enroll All Year Long!
The Freedom of Choice Student Center Homeschool is a solution to homeschooling without having your children homeschooled with you.
We pride ourselves in embracing the pursuit of excellence both inside and outside the classroom by teaching children how to think, not what to think.
We recognized that so many families wanted a safe, alternative place for their children to learn. So...
We are a non-profit public benefit corporation homeschool-away-from-home offering an in-person Classical Education in a comfortable learning space free of mandates or political bias. We facilitate hands-on learning where students can apply their knowledge to real-life situations. Our students learn in a positive learning environment where they collaborate, build solid friendships, and have fun.
A Classical Education is a rich and robust course of study in the liberal arts and sciences, with instruction in the principles of moral character and civic virtue.
At Freedom of Choice Student Center Homeschool, we teach the four core subjects, math, literature, history and science by using the Classical Education philosophy and trivium: Grammar, Logic, and Rhetoric.
How is a classical program different than a public school, traditional Christian school, or non-classical charter or private school?
In a nutshell:
Classical educational teaches students HOW to learn.
Traditional education teaches students WHAT to learn.
The Freedom of Choice Student Center Homeschool focuses on developing critical thinkers and cultivating strong character, wisdom, and virtue, concentrating on understanding the foundations and principles of the great American story.
We also know each student learns differently. Therefore, instruction is based on a student's academic level, and progress is based on their level of knowledge and understanding.
At FCSCH, we teach traditional values. Our curriculum is not faith-based however, we do believe in God, the U.S. Constitution, and the parent's right to choose what is best for their children. All content and curriculum are thoroughly vetted to be free from Common Core, sexual education, and Critical Race Theory. For more information, please refer to our curriculum link.
Freedom of Choice Student Center Homeschool has a caring credentialed administrator onsite to ensure a safe environment for all students, a collaborative work environment for all teachers, and readily available parent support. A credentialed and certified school counselor is also onsite daily.
In the past couple of years, homeschooling has become more common. However, homeschooling can create many unexpected challenges at home and becomes very difficult for
most families.
Our administrators understand these challenges and have created a learning center that provides learning, tutoring, and an alternative space for PK-12th grade homeschooling students to learn while giving parents peace of mind at home.
There is a credentialed and certificated school guidance counselor on-site. Each enrolled student will get full comprehensive guidance counseling services throughout their educational journey in the areas of academic advising, college and career readiness, and personal/social-emotional
development support.
For more information about counseling services, please click on the School Counseling tab in our menu.
At FCSCH, we're not just a homeschool; we're a homeschool community. We believe in parent involvement with their children and the learning community. We hope that every day the parent and child feel cared for, safe, and at the end of each day, are happy they chose FCSCH.
At FCSCH, we provide the resources and teach the curriculum. We don't send work home for parents to teach throughout the week unless it's requested. Our curriculum is open for parents to view at any time. We're here to create an excellent learning experience for your child and encourage parent/staff interaction and community.
Do you need a place to work or use your computer while your child is in class? Is driving back and forth a concern? Not to worry, we have plenty of available office spaces for parents to use while you wait.
At FCSCH, we believe that social activities are important too! At FCSCH, we have plenty of family and student events, activities, and student-led organizations. We are committed entirely to the student experience and dedicated to creating many opportunities for our students to develop leadership skills and take pride in their learning environment.
Is your student struggling in math? Our experienced math teacher and tutor provides exceptional and affordable math tutoring for students in grades 3 and up. Please go to our more tab and look under tutoring for more information.
Does your child need extra academic support? We have an extended hour time from 1 pm - 4 pm in which we provide one-on-one extra support for those that need it. Tuition rates apply.
FCSCH does not discriminate and believes it's essential for all students to have a comfortable environment in which they can learn and have fun.
Freedom of Choice Student Center Homeschool is a nonprofit public benefit corporation. EIN #87-3285521
The Freedom of Choice Student Scholarship FOundation is a Section 501(c)(3) charity. EIN #92-1927781
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